Life is a kind of magic

Even when it doesn’t feel like it

Life is a kind of magic, even when it doesn’t feel like it. But you see, we wouldn’t appreciate the magic without the non-magical bits. So every day and every mood is important because without the shitty days, how would we know to appreciate the magic of the good ones? It’s all about perspective, and when you’re feeling shitty it’s hard to look at things with any type of perspective. But like learning any new skill we need to practice it. It takes time, and it’s bloody difficult, but anything worth learning takes time. I mean, you can’t learn the guitar overnight, and you wouldn’t expect to be fluent in Spanish after a week. Persevere. Practice your perspective. Keep going. Even on the non- magical days because you’ve got this. Especially on the days when you feel like you don’t!

It’s not easy to persevere when things are tough. But I want you to know that you are not the only person who feels that things feel too much. I know for me it helps even a little that I’m not alone on the dark days. It doesn’t take away the pain but it reminds me that it’s not just me. Sometimes, that is enough.

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